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(2,772 posts)
94. Win them back? Are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
Sat May 18, 2019, 02:18 PM
May 2019

Last edited Sat May 18, 2019, 04:21 PM - Edit history (1)

Hate crimes are up, attacks on religious buildings are up, the administration is setting up shop to take away the right for women to do what they wish with their bodies. Not just here, but now across the globe via whatever leverage they can use. Oh yea, let's not forget how they are holding kids hostages and treating their parents like living pawn pieces as part of the gop game of petty shit.

The voters on the right are sitting on their fucking hands and shrugging at all of it. Every single impeachable offense is alright as long as "the right people are being hurt". They need to be taken to task for what they did by those that told them in clean and concise terms that THIS IS WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.

The left pleaded and implored them not to vote for that evil con artist, but they decided not to listen. They absolutely LOVE how shitty he, and every single living breathing troll he surrounds himself with, is. At this point what they need is not to be hand patted, coddled, and told their vote for living garbage was all ok. That, they had an absolute, unailienable RIGHT to fuck us all because they were "scurred". They need to sit down and educate themselves, or let themselves be educated.

The big tent brigade needs to understand that these people DO NOT want to be educated. They don't want to do shit other than what they are doing. That being the never ending endeavor of persecution of anybody that isn't white, straight, fake ass Christian, or male; that is of course unless you have signed on to be one of their willing thralls. This kind of excusing them is EXACTLY why they continue to do this shit and keep on doing it until they are stood up to unambiguously. I mean, c'mon they have spent longer than I have been alive doing exactly this, EXACTLY THIS with the same bog standard results.

We need to forget that bipartisan nonsense, we need to make sure those of us that are sane vote. We recruit them and continue to educate them on why they need to vote. You can't trust any republican voter at this point. I mean, when exactly do you want to take them to task for fucking me, you, and themselves at every turn? At what point does it become clear these are not "decent humans".

They might be great neighbors, or friends, or whatever else to somebody, but they are simultaneously alright with the suffering of others. What good, kind and decent person is EVER ok enough with the suffering of people to actively encourage it? That's what they do when they vote for the garbage humans they vote for. They do it year after year, after year At what point do they have to reflect on their decisions and make new ones without the constant bending over backwards?

It sure as hell isn't going to be now with so many people STILL wanting to hold hands with them and wash away the simple fact republican voters have AND WILL CONTINUE to vote for trash individuals without some sort of negative intervention from us. I'm not saying we need to act like they do, but they need to be ignored. Their arguments should no longer be granted any merit, worth or value. Their dumb shit should be packed down and thrown out.

I want to thank you and everybody like you. By openly engaging in this you are announcing that you're willing to toss my ass, and the asses every other person under attack by trump and his cult, under the bus. In your efforts to recruit these craven bastards you've let me know exactly where we stand.

That's the 'Puke mentality in the first place. "Oh you mean this affects me personally???! Well Guy Whitey Corngood May 2019 #1
Remember the MAGAT woman saying, "He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting" ? tblue37 May 2019 #77
That jaw-dropper is carved into my memory. Utter utter moron. The stupid, it burns. Hekate May 2019 #95
Oh yeah. I remember well. This is a sick death cult. Not a political party. nt Guy Whitey Corngood May 2019 #111
Nancy Reagan was totally fine with stem cell research The Mouth May 2019 #114
Wasn't it Portman who was so repulsed by "the gay" until his son Guy Whitey Corngood May 2019 #117
If things went back to normal only for them they would love him all over again lunatica May 2019 #93
They were told what he was from the start and it was a-ok. Afromania May 2019 #2
+++ brer cat May 2019 #35
They were angry because a non-white TrishaJ May 2019 #43
Yep. This is a big part of their resentment. calimary May 2019 #84
You see this on the left as well. Issues like racism and abortion are seen as "niche" WhiskeyGrinder May 2019 #3
Young white women will die. Is this what you Repukes want? katmondoo May 2019 #9
The rich ones won't, so they'll find a way to be okay with that. WhiskeyGrinder May 2019 #10
Reaping and sowing comes to mind... Moostache May 2019 #4
You reap what you sow... how appropriate!! The Ultimate Karma comes back to bite you in da azz... InAbLuEsTaTe May 2019 #13
I don't feel sorry for them one bit. pangaia May 2019 #29
Yeah, I was being facetious! InAbLuEsTaTe May 2019 #42
Perfect paleotn May 2019 #38
I hope it hurts them enough to teach them a permanent lesson. lastlib May 2019 #51
You think a farmer would get that. n/t Beartracks May 2019 #58
BUT....they will STILL vote for every fucking repug on the ballot... Ferrets are Cool May 2019 #5
No.You.Cannot. InAbLuEsTaTe May 2019 #15
Karma brutus smith May 2019 #6
No worries. There is a big bailout coming, courtesy of the 25% tax on American consumers dalton99a May 2019 #7
All two of them. I'm impressed marybourg May 2019 #8
A case in point Madtown May 2019 #11
Oh, let's re-live that epic moment in dumbassery... JHB May 2019 #110
Thanks! MsLeopard May 2019 #113
Hey, mister, cry me a river. He told you who and what he was and you loved him for it. Arkansas Granny May 2019 #12
Absolutely true. They knew and they didn't care. NurseJackie May 2019 #18
Well, better late than never. n/t ginnyinWI May 2019 #14
Sometimes I think Rebl2 May 2019 #16
All the time, I'm pretty much positive of that ... mr_lebowski May 2019 #103
Aw. NurseJackie May 2019 #17
Basic GOP mentality. TNNurse May 2019 #19
Notice that one farmer claims that being patriotic means taking care of his own family. nt tblue37 May 2019 #79
They don't care about minority issues. Baitball Blogger May 2019 #20
Remember this quote? wryter2000 May 2019 #23
Post removed Post removed May 2019 #24
He can't understand why his patriotism is being questioned. rainin May 2019 #21
Interesting and recommended view from Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee: Ponietz May 2019 #22
This isn't stupid, but it is shortsighted. plimsoll May 2019 #25
It is emotional Caliman73 May 2019 #74
Absolutely right. There are ingrained personality imprints that are exploited skillfully by pros Midnight Writer May 2019 #104
I'm wary of this particular explanation of conservative behavior. plimsoll May 2019 #116
it is an explanation borne from research Caliman73 May 2019 #118
So we should accept research that confirms our own biases? plimsoll May 2019 #127
Did you ever get the feeling that Saturday night is a good time to wash socks? ChubbyStar May 2019 #128
It is in peer reviewed journals. Caliman73 May 2019 #133
I'm not sure we agree on how confirmation bias works, but are not out of agreement otherwise. plimsoll May 2019 #134
Thoughts and prayers dude. LakeArenal May 2019 #26
+1 Chin music May 2019 #34
+100 VOX May 2019 #90
Bunch of selfish fucking assholes. Let them rot. pangaia May 2019 #27
You guys voted for a man with a long track record of... JHB May 2019 #28
Self-righteous feel-good response... brooklynite May 2019 #30
I do not believe you can be a Trump voter Soph0571 May 2019 #32
Trump won a share of his votes from Obama voters... brooklynite May 2019 #36
Agreed, anyone who could vote for Obama and then for tRump only cares about $$$ Brawndo May 2019 #39
We need to let them join us zaj May 2019 #47
Better to go after first time and young voters. Brawndo May 2019 #50
We can work on both zaj May 2019 #54
I'm not at forgive yet, and even if I do, I'll never forget. Brawndo May 2019 #57
Our attitude will have an impact on expanding our side. zaj May 2019 #64
You're right, count me off the welcome wagon Brawndo May 2019 #66
History will deliver that... zaj May 2019 #69
Win them back? Are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Afromania May 2019 #94
Not at all... zaj May 2019 #112
Gee, I thought I was trying to WIN AN ELECTION... brooklynite May 2019 #123
Well, you go ahead and do that. Then after when they've decided they can't vote democratic again Afromania May 2019 #124
Winning elections based on the dream that millions of unengaged voters will suddenly show up... brooklynite May 2019 #130
So, who, or what, gets sold out to appease those wishy washy fools this time? Afromania May 2019 #132
There's such a thing as a non-racist or non-sexist Trump voter? backscatter712 May 2019 #86
I might include 'low information' and 'willfully misinformed' in that particular cadre of lameness mr_lebowski May 2019 #108
You forgot greedy bedazzled May 2019 #131
No, not self-righteous. Righteous, as in "righteous anger". hatrack May 2019 #96
Fuck these latecomers. I have less than no sympathy for them. (nt) Paladin May 2019 #31
No worries, they won't vote for trump again, but, they will still vote gop. Chin music May 2019 #33
Yup Nuggets May 2019 #80
Folks who need to be "enticed" are a PIA. Chin music May 2019 #81
My husband and I are farmers. murielm99 May 2019 #109
This message was self-deleted by its author geralmar May 2019 #129
Did they actually expect ... paleotn May 2019 #37
And realistically they will probably all still vote for him again Bettie May 2019 #40
"He's hurting the wrong people." treestar May 2019 #41
Yep yep yep. He campaigned on tariffs, the idiots! Honeycombe8 May 2019 #44
I guess voters did not believe that at140 May 2019 #53
When Romney responded to Trump's tariff idea... Honeycombe8 May 2019 #55
They were driven by the GREED that he was selling. ooky May 2019 #70
they voted for Trump knowing he he would hurt people Skittles May 2019 #45
Con men con people. zaj May 2019 #46
Bed. Made. Lie. GoCubsGo May 2019 #48
I second that motion. 47of74 May 2019 #60
Yep, another self-absorbed Magat pdsimdars May 2019 #49
Fascists succeed by creating toxic divisions, Hortensis May 2019 #52
Well said. mia May 2019 #119
Thank you. :) Hortensis May 2019 #122
"I'll never vote for him again... unless the other guy's a Democrat." n/t Beartracks May 2019 #56
Yep! Exactly! smirkymonkey May 2019 #73
Or a woman Hekate May 2019 #97
Fornicate them. 47of74 May 2019 #59
I hope they've learned uponit7771 May 2019 #61
We'll see... Soph0571 May 2019 #62
FUCK 'EM elections have consequences. gopiscrap May 2019 #63
So does TREASON. Chin music May 2019 #82
exactly gopiscrap May 2019 #98
Duped deplorables get no sympathy from me The Genealogist May 2019 #65
And on that farm he had a WOMP WOMP Blue Owl May 2019 #67
...with a womp womp here, ooky May 2019 #72
Yup, all on Ol' MagaDonald's farm... Blue Owl May 2019 #76
Good one! Different Drummer May 2019 #85
I laughed at that one. ooky May 2019 #101
Yes' and a couple 'waa waa's' Chin music May 2019 #87
I've been wrestling with this since 2015. calimary May 2019 #68
Classic Trumper regret Jake Stern May 2019 #71
They were warned. Ilsa May 2019 #75
They Should Have Known Better For Sure colsohlibgal May 2019 #78
"He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting." backscatter712 May 2019 #83
But...but...but... Different Drummer May 2019 #88
K&R betsuni May 2019 #89
they STILL think he is ok when it comes to those things JI7 May 2019 #91
"Fuck all POC, women, immigrants! What? You're screwing with my income? Well, FUCK YOU!" VOX May 2019 #92
++ You broke it , you pay for it ! lunasun May 2019 #102
If only we knew back in November 2016, what we knew back in November 2016. Glassunion May 2019 #99
Nailed it! n/t Different Drummer May 2019 #121
i really don't care they are selfish in a limited world where only thier problems count and all lunasun May 2019 #100
They are called deplorables for a reason Hav May 2019 #105
The fundamental difference between them and us Mr.Bill May 2019 #106
Message auto-removed Name removed May 2019 #107
I don't think you are evil for wanting them to hurt bitterross May 2019 #115
They could be penniless, eating out of trash cans... Dave Starsky May 2019 #120
Better late than never. sandensea May 2019 #125
Unless these MAGAs admit they should have eagerly voted for Hillary, they have not changed one bit Freethinker65 May 2019 #126
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»'But now that YOU'RE affe...»Reply #94