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In reply to the discussion: Rape Culture Is Real [View all]


(63,379 posts)
105. I know that you want to believe that.
Mon Mar 31, 2014, 03:15 PM
Mar 2014

From RAINN's own website:

"Rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions, of a small percentage of the community, to commit a violent crime,”
That certainly doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement of your particular envisioning of rape culture.

RAINN's particular statement on the matter even puts "rape culture" in quotes, yet you seem to interpret this as unambiguous assent.

So, as I've now correctly stated twice, any divergence from your particular definition must be attacked as blindness, culpability, or dishonesty.

It must be very reassuring to live in such absolutism.
Rape Culture Is Real [View all] Ohio Joe Mar 2014 OP
All in favor of a rape culture resource forum? Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #1
Aye! CFLDem Mar 2014 #2
Not in favor of banishing these issues from GD. nt redqueen Mar 2014 #4
Who said banishing? Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #8
There's already a group for survivors. LeftyMom Mar 2014 #29
Which is a separate issue from this. nt Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #32
Then you're going to need to explain to me why discussions of rape culture don't belong in GD, LeftyMom Mar 2014 #55
Please tell me where I said that? Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #61
Yes, given the total lack of hostility and overwhelming support given to the issue of rape culture redqueen Mar 2014 #71
Sorry. I won't post about anything anymore. Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #86
we often have men tell us not to discuss this on gd. they way you worded, some are thinking you seabeyond Mar 2014 #92
You didn't explicitly say it, but that would be the result. cui bono Mar 2014 #89
This message was self-deleted by its author Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #93
Post removed Post removed Mar 2014 #96
oh stop..... it is poster like you that make us have little patience, misunderstanding arise. now, seabeyond Mar 2014 #98
Oh, it doesn't need to be fed NoOneMan Mar 2014 #100
hate? anger? animosity? that would be the repug way. dems tend to not feel we need seabeyond Mar 2014 #102
And yet here you are with your little crumbs. cui bono Mar 2014 #136
ditto NoOneMan Mar 2014 #141
this is how i took it. lol. but... going whiny doesnt help, lol. you just do not realize how seabeyond Mar 2014 #97
i think he meant as a reference. where it would not sink and go away. nt seabeyond Mar 2014 #94
Sorry, but I know DU. Hive off a group and there will be demands to move any discussions there. LeftyMom Mar 2014 #132
Careful, your agenda is showing. RC Mar 2014 #122
in your all knowing desire to diss redq, i guess you overlooked her gathering the numbers seabeyond Mar 2014 #124
How long is your shift on this thread, until you are relived? RC Mar 2014 #131
....... seabeyond Mar 2014 #135
What are you on about now? cui bono Mar 2014 #139
My post is self explanatory. RC Mar 2014 #144
There is already a group for that. cui bono Mar 2014 #145
My point is that the HoF does not advocate getting help for traumatic events that happen to women. RC Mar 2014 #152
That's not the purpose of HoF. cui bono Mar 2014 #161
HoF is a womans Group, is it not? RC Mar 2014 #170
you were condescending as fuck. and the woman that you were condescending to asked you to stop. seabeyond Mar 2014 #171
What are you talking about? RC Mar 2014 #181
That's not the purpose of a History of Feminism group. cui bono Mar 2014 #186
So what? People can't be emphatic and offer help when they see a problem? RC Mar 2014 #190
Careful, your agenda is showing. cui bono Mar 2014 #199
There is no answer Texasgal Mar 2014 #195
I ask. RC Mar 2014 #196
and I answered. Texasgal Mar 2014 #200
The real answer, if you don't want anyone to ask, is to keep it it the HoF RC Mar 2014 #201
This message was self-deleted by its author seabeyond Mar 2014 #203
You sure read a lot into other people post that are not there, implied, nor even meant. RC Mar 2014 #206
This message was self-deleted by its author seabeyond Mar 2014 #207
I have already told you, you are not going to get me to post something stupid. RC Mar 2014 #214
Lol... good riddance! demmiblue Mar 2014 #221
Well, the issue is Texasgal Mar 2014 #205
hof has a pinned Op with number for women that need help. i told him the first post he made. seabeyond Mar 2014 #208
Yeah, and apparently we Texasgal Mar 2014 #209
The problem here is, General Discussion is not the Safe Haven, History of Feminism. RC Mar 2014 #211
So what are you saying? Texasgal Mar 2014 #213
I know you are already PPR'd so this is for other people reading this thread. cui bono Apr 2014 #260
For posterity (as poster is now departed) MadrasT Apr 2014 #281
sistah...... seabeyond Apr 2014 #283
So if they "got help" then they'd stop complaining? Is that it? nomorenomore08 Apr 2014 #264
Because the lives of 1/4 of the population BainsBane Mar 2014 #68
Maybe others consider the OP "important" even if you don't. n/t nomorenomore08 Apr 2014 #263
lioness goes into another territory, the lion attacks rapes, biological, men cant help it. seabeyond Mar 2014 #3
"are you offended that a man tells you biologically you cannot help raping women?" Capt. Obvious Mar 2014 #7
then you have an issue with reading comprehension. seabeyond Mar 2014 #9
yep, he just wrote that hfojvt Mar 2014 #12
Cherry picking does not give comprehension Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #22
the statistics show that most women are not victims hfojvt Mar 2014 #65
So you are intentionally misunderstanding to enable your denial... I see Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #66
In one year. Over the course of a lifetime, 1 in 6 women are raped. antigone382 Mar 2014 #113
I'm on your side of the issue but hjvoyt or whatever his name is is right about "the norm". cui bono Mar 2014 #95
Just to be clear... That is from the article, not my words... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #99
Ah, yes, and seabeyond is right too, in her reply to me. n/t cui bono Mar 2014 #108
i think the norm, is the normalization of rape in society. rape as entertainment, jokes, seabeyond Mar 2014 #101
Agree. n/t cui bono Mar 2014 #107
Not based on the numbers he is using. Ms. Toad Mar 2014 #119
Bahhh. You can prove anything with facts NoOneMan Mar 2014 #74
especially if you ignore definitions and make up your own for argument sake to derail. seabeyond Mar 2014 #78
Yeah, like the whole "rape culture" helps mega rich Du Pont heirs get off for incest/pedophilia NoOneMan Mar 2014 #80
not really. but, you continue to make the point. and running in this thread, to derail seabeyond Mar 2014 #82
Why is "derail" your default fallback? NoOneMan Mar 2014 #88
that is the default of certain posters. you will see it is only for a small handful. most, i do seabeyond Mar 2014 #103
That *you* perceive to be doing such.... NoOneMan Mar 2014 #104
i didnt say otherwise. so? seabeyond Mar 2014 #106
So you aren't an authority on something we call "reality" NoOneMan Mar 2014 #114
here is a clue... do not fuggin tell me what to do. you derail. i will call it. like you have seabeyond Mar 2014 #115
Since that is an ANNUAL statistic - Ms. Toad Mar 2014 #118
Consider the ages women face rape Warpy Mar 2014 #133
most of my relationships with women hfojvt Apr 2014 #267
Not that you know of Warpy Apr 2014 #269
unlike you hfojvt Apr 2014 #271
it is very personal. and often a victim does not want to share it with family members. seabeyond Apr 2014 #272
You got that from the OP? ummmm... How? Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #13
She's referencing a different thread gollygee Mar 2014 #16
actually the lion raping lioness is this gem. saying it is within all men and can never be stamped seabeyond Mar 2014 #20
You know... It really just makes me a little sad... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #19
It is the accusations of guilt by association joeglow3 Mar 2014 #28
Are you offended by this (see below), cause this is actually stating that men can't help themselves boston bean Mar 2014 #85
Honest answer joeglow3 Mar 2014 #91
You're not getting the drunk/consent thing gollygee Mar 2014 #117
Exactly. Drunk consensual sex is consensual sex, drunk rape is rape. nomorenomore08 Apr 2014 #268
btw... thank you. excellent post. and clear. anyone pretends confusion otherwise, does it seabeyond Mar 2014 #5
Wait a minute... Sheldon Cooper Mar 2014 #6
I shit you not, it was said right here on DU Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #11
Wow - that one left me speechless. n/t seaglass Mar 2014 #120
Excellent OP Tsiyu Mar 2014 #10
Thank you for posting this. TDale313 Mar 2014 #14
It really is a major issue... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #24
k&r Starry Messenger Mar 2014 #15
K & R In_The_Wind Mar 2014 #17
i love your thread so much, i am gonna start another discussion, off this. another OP, some smart seabeyond Mar 2014 #18
Rape Culture is when "pretty" pictures of women bound and gagged are seen as sexy and are Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #21
My first reaction to that was... NO, would not happen... Sadly... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #25
are you kidding me? the person posting them is a Lounge Host. Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #27
link please newcriminal Mar 2014 #49
go ask your husband. Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #51
I'm asking you newcriminal Mar 2014 #53
and I told you how to get the info. question has been asked and answered. go away. Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #56
Go away? newcriminal Mar 2014 #60
Just because bondage isn't your kink CFLDem Mar 2014 #30
boy. connect the dots. no more hard to get, tying 'em up??? just sayin'. seabeyond Mar 2014 #31
fucking disgusting. Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #35
some put themselves out there, make the rest wonder. nt seabeyond Mar 2014 #36
what I wonder is how it is allowed to live here among us. Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #38
really? you know better. and without rules, one has chaos. none of us should be surprised by chaos. seabeyond Mar 2014 #40
not naive just fucking burnt out. crispy critter is me. I am at DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND not Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #41
ya. nt seabeyond Mar 2014 #44
It's called free speech Tuesday. CFLDem Mar 2014 #43
oh please with your 1A. Thank god for 2A. capiche? and I mean it. DO NOT REPLY TO ME. Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #46
Really? You come to a political discussion board thucythucy Mar 2014 #70
Maybe CFLDem Mar 2014 #75
That's not how you originally stated your argument. thucythucy Mar 2014 #79
Oh my god,do you honestly not know sufrommich Mar 2014 #143
Just because you don't know anything about me doesn't mean that everything should stay. Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #33
What CFLDem Mar 2014 #39
I am talking about: Leave me alone. Please. Do not ever reply to me again. n/t Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #45
But is this a place for discussing one's bondage kink? mythology Mar 2014 #52
I haven't seen it either CFLDem Mar 2014 #57
Agreed Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #62
" And while I may pick on the HoF crowd, I kid, I kid." chervilant Apr 2014 #278
Well ciao to you too. CFLDem Apr 2014 #280
A link, for reference? Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #34
Not just no but HELL NO. what context do you think is justifiable? Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #37
Sorry Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #42
This message was self-deleted by its author CFLDem Mar 2014 #47
I regret to inform you that I am none of your business. I am right here in this thread. Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #50
context for posting pretty pictures in the lounge of bound and gagged women? Tuesday Afternoon Mar 2014 #48
Why is it so hard? Blue_Adept Mar 2014 #58
Could you at least give a link? LittleBlue Mar 2014 #63
It could be a scene from a movie for all we know tkmorris Mar 2014 #83
This message was self-deleted by its author rug Mar 2014 #126
WTF? n/t seaglass Mar 2014 #121
K&R. (nt) Paladin Mar 2014 #23
Good list. Bookmarking. nt rrneck Mar 2014 #26
K&R! hrmjustin Mar 2014 #54
Excellent explanation ismnotwasm Mar 2014 #59
Who has authority to declare that something is or isn't part of rape culture? Orrex Mar 2014 #64
Really? Which example would they disagree with? And why would that matter? Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #67
Are you serious? I would think that the disagreement is fairly central to the issue. Orrex Mar 2014 #69
oh... You are spreading the bullshit that 'RAINN denies rape culture' and deny it exists yourself Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #76
As I noted, anyone who disagrees with your assessment is an enabler or a blind victim. Orrex Mar 2014 #81
"decries an overemphasis" is not denying it exists... What you said is simply not true... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #87
I know that you want to believe that. Orrex Mar 2014 #105
yes, it would be the feminist and the supporters that say RAPISTs are responsible for rape. a duh. seabeyond Mar 2014 #109
In quotes?!? NoOneMan Mar 2014 #111
It is still not a denial it exists... You are still saying something that is not true... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #116
Find me RAINN's statement declaring that rape cuture exists as you describe it to exist. Orrex Mar 2014 #125
so, if rainn has not publicly endorsed rape culture then that means they declare it does not exist? seabeyond Mar 2014 #128
So... If they don't say exactly what I posted they deny it? Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #130
You haven't disproven anything, though I know that you want to believe you have. Orrex Mar 2014 #137
why not just say you were wrong. i do not expect all this from you. seabeyond Mar 2014 #138
Post removed Post removed Mar 2014 #147
you have jumped the shark seabeyond Mar 2014 #148
Jumping the shark is claiming "rape culture" lets a Du Pont heir off the hook for child rape NoOneMan Mar 2014 #151
""rape culture" lets a Du Pont heir off the hook for child rape" that is just stupid. no one seabeyond Mar 2014 #157
"no one said anything like that." NoOneMan Mar 2014 #162
""rape culture" lets a Du Pont heir off the hook for child rape" seabeyond Mar 2014 #166
Uhhh.... NoOneMan Mar 2014 #168
btw. this would be derailing. again. another part of the thread. after playing upthread. nt seabeyond Mar 2014 #158
No, you don't want to address my example of redefining "rape culture". You are derailing NoOneMan Mar 2014 #163
i am still addressing the offensive lie, there are duers that let a rapist of a baby, off the seabeyond Mar 2014 #167
Oh God. That's a straw man extraordinaire NoOneMan Mar 2014 #172
no duer lets a rapist off the hook for raping a baby. what is the matter with you. seabeyond Mar 2014 #174
Yes, because we don't have child rape culture. NoOneMan Mar 2014 #176
This message was self-deleted by its author seabeyond Mar 2014 #178
Well then... Lets see you state Orrex's position clearly... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #142
I would be interested to hear you state clearly what you believe to be my position Orrex Mar 2014 #202
"decries an overemphasis" not denying existence. "means of preventing rape and as a cause for rape" seabeyond Mar 2014 #90
it would be nice people using rainn to counter rape culture actually read rainn. they are not sayin seabeyond Mar 2014 #77
Really? Which ones? ladyVet Mar 2014 #72
Me and thats pretty much it NoOneMan Mar 2014 #73
ahhh, thats cute... I knew the quotes would show up eventually. We even get them around misogynist Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #84
Who has the authority to declare who is and who is not a misogynist? Orrex Mar 2014 #112
Again with 'Who has the authority'... It's like we are getting into 'teach the controversy'.. Sheesh Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #123
Who in this thread has pretended that it doesn't exist? Orrex Mar 2014 #129
You have made a vague reference to someone I have no idea who you are talking about... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #134
Fortunately, you've disproven nothing. You've only insisted on your own interpretation. Orrex Mar 2014 #140
"Fortunately, you've disproven nothing."... 'But I'll change my claim'.. Too funny :) Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #146
Those claims are not at all incompatible Orrex Mar 2014 #175
Ok. Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #110
Well... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #127
How do I perpetuate it or encourage it? Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #159
So you think only rapists do the examples in the OP? Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #164
I don't do any of what you pointed out in the OP. Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #165
Do you tolerate that it does happen... Just shrug and say 'I don't do it"? Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #173
Yep. Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #177
It was rhetorical... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #182
I didn't read any of the replies. Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #183
ahhh... You don't see them... They are hidden so well... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #185
If I cared to look for them, I would. Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #187
So... You will just tolerate them... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #188
I'm trying to finish my Master's thesis. Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #189
Yet you have time to hit up a bunch of these threads with the same question... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #191
I'm sure you're a shining beacon of virtue. Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #192
Not everyone makes jokes about rape culture... You seem to be ok with it Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #193
It was a response to how absurd it is to attempt to ban something Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #194
That is not true and anyone can look and see that plainly Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #197
*cough* Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #210
I don't see what your claims of getting a masters has to do with your jokes about rape culture... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #215
Do you agree that jokes about sexual assault and domestic violence should be avoided? Orrex Mar 2014 #216
Yes... I also find them in extra poor taste when put in threads about it... Do you? Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #217
I'm glad that we're on the same page. Orrex Mar 2014 #218
Sure, not a problem... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #220
Honestly, I don't seek them out. Orrex Mar 2014 #222
I already posted some in this sub-thread you came into but... Here they are again Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #225
Um. I'm not sure that either of those is a joke about rape culture Orrex Mar 2014 #227
Of course... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #228
Perhaps that's because your first instinct is to assume rape culture wherever you look. Orrex Mar 2014 #229
Archae admits those threads are about rape culture... Perhaps you refuse to see it Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #230
Archae's admission applies to his post, not to its replies Orrex Mar 2014 #231
wiggle wiggle wiggle Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #232
I asked you to point me to jokes about rape culture Orrex Mar 2014 #234
wiggle wiggle wiggle Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #235
So... You've got nothing. Orrex Mar 2014 #236
For somone who denies everything that is put in front of them? No... You would just deny it Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #239
Documented facts? Go on with your bad self. Orrex Mar 2014 #240
I have always admitted when I was wrong... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #242
If you had proven me wrong, I would admit it. Orrex Mar 2014 #246
No, it is not a lie, your words are still there... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #248
To answer your last question, first, *you* are lying. Orrex Apr 2014 #249
wiggle wiggle wiggle and denial again... What a shock... Ohio Joe Apr 2014 #251
I'm not allowed a break once in a while? Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #219
Your idea of taking a break is making jokes about rape culture... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #223
Juries have no problems with what I posted. Vashta Nerada Mar 2014 #224
Juries do not always get it right... What can one do... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #226
If it were you wouldn't need a dozen threads trying to redefine the word "CULTURE"... Demo_Chris Mar 2014 #149
Fascinating... you openly deny rape culture... Do you deny the examples given? Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #150
I reject the silly term. nt Demo_Chris Mar 2014 #153
So you accept that the examples given occur far to regularly and that they are a problem? Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #154
Any occurrence of a victimizing crime beyond zero is "far too regularly" NoOneMan Mar 2014 #156
The topic is culture. CULTURE. Demo_Chris Mar 2014 #179
Thats because you've been brainwashed by "rejection culture" NoOneMan Mar 2014 #155
LOL! Demo_Chris Mar 2014 #160
So... No answer... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #169
Having some computer issues and making dinner... Demo_Chris Mar 2014 #180
Fascinating that you keep avoiding what I am asking... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #184
I don't see any avoidance here at all. Silent3 Mar 2014 #233
^^That Orrex Mar 2014 #237
I'm sorry for your reading comprehension problem... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #238
All I see is that you're angry that he isn't accepting the conversation on exactly your terms... Silent3 Mar 2014 #241
so it exists. we just are not to have a word that allows us to define the existence of it? seabeyond Mar 2014 #243
You're "allowed" to call it anything you like. Silent3 Mar 2014 #247
well. that is beyond silliness to recognize this "stuff" yet refuse to acknowledge this "stuff" seabeyond Apr 2014 #252
And where do you see any refusal to acknowledge that the various crimes, discriminatory treatment... Silent3 Apr 2014 #254
you mean the "stuff"? lmfao.... whatever. nt seabeyond Apr 2014 #255
Wow... That is a real bad comprehension problem you got there... Ohio Joe Mar 2014 #245
In a new post, that poster just used terms like "crime" and "horror"... Silent3 Apr 2014 #250
So... Tell me if I'm understanding you correctly... Ohio Joe Apr 2014 #253
it is "stuff". now it will be so totally comprehensible millions will get it. rollin eyes. nt seabeyond Apr 2014 #256
You have the right to ask the question, but no right to expect an answer, however. Silent3 Apr 2014 #258
You need a 'rapist with a heart of gold story' before you think there is a rape culture... Ohio Joe Apr 2014 #259
A lot of the rest of the world can't believe what they read on DU either. Silent3 Apr 2014 #262
That you do not like the terminology is not what I can't believe... Ohio Joe Apr 2014 #265
There's a difference between "not accepting" something and vehemently arguing against it. nomorenomore08 Apr 2014 #270
I'd have a problem with someone calling a teapot a lampshade. Silent3 Apr 2014 #284
So if "rape culture" is as inaccurate as calling a teapot a lampshade, then what in your opinion nomorenomore08 Apr 2014 #288
I don't know that there is a good blanket term Silent3 Apr 2014 #289
Maybe. I can't claim to have definitive solutions either, other than perhaps teaching people nomorenomore08 Apr 2014 #290
We're a long way away from when a few AM radio stations were where most people... Silent3 Apr 2014 #285
The way you try to rationalize it away is sick... Ohio Joe Apr 2014 #286
And now you're perfectly demonstrating just what I've said is the problem... Silent3 Apr 2014 #287
Nice try but you know it has nothing to do with 'framing' and everything to do with what you said Ohio Joe Apr 2014 #292
ah, if only i had the thread of all the rapist that were just "seducin'" in the movies. i do not seabeyond Apr 2014 #261
Like everyone else, I would describe them as a crime and a horror. nt Demo_Chris Mar 2014 #244
My issue is that I am just hearing of this "rape culture" which seems to being applied to everyone. madinmaryland Mar 2014 #198
Very nicely stated. Orrex Mar 2014 #204
It is indeed a symptom of a greater problem, i.e. ingrained hatred of women. n/t nomorenomore08 Apr 2014 #273
THIS "Rape culture is when we teach women how to not get raped, instead of teaching men not to rape" Hekate Mar 2014 #212
So we shouldnt teach people how to defend themselves? davidn3600 Apr 2014 #275
Where did the OP say lack of self defense classes would stop rape? Read the OP and argue with him... Hekate Apr 2014 #277
Who ever said such a thing? Do you really have that much trouble reading? Ohio Joe Apr 2014 #282
Rape culture is when... Zenlitened Apr 2014 #257
They can decline to use the term if they so choose. I don't think anyone would really have a problem nomorenomore08 Apr 2014 #274
When one "declines to use the term," one is accused of enabling rape culture. Orrex Apr 2014 #291
Absolutely true. William769 Apr 2014 #266
Thanks, Ohio Joe. Jamastiene Apr 2014 #276
Thank you for this OP. chervilant Apr 2014 #279
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»Rape Culture Is Real»Reply #105