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(10,503 posts)
133. I'm not sure who said that but I haven't heard any Clinton supporters say it. It seems kind of silly
Mon May 2, 2016, 10:04 PM
May 2016

Last edited Tue May 3, 2016, 11:43 AM - Edit history (1)

to suggest that she won't need 45% of the party.

Hillary has made it clear that she wants the support of Bernie Sanders and his voters.

I hope that Bernie will endorse her if she wins and do everything he can to help elect her, just like she did for Barack Obama.

And if the roles were reversed, and Sanders were to win, I have no doubt that she would go all out to help him win, just like she did for Barack Obama.

Succinct and accurate HERVEPA May 2016 #1
They don't care about the Supreme Court leftofcool May 2016 #2
We don't think there will much difference. nt artislife May 2016 #100
There is absolutely no reason to believe that Hillary's appointments to the court will be StevieM May 2016 #126
She wouldn't be bold enough to float people artislife May 2016 #136
Bill Clinton appointed Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Hillary is more liberal than Bill. shadowandblossom May 2016 #147
Then you are ignorant of facts HERVEPA May 2016 #130
I think I have been watching closely. nt artislife May 2016 #137
Hillary's nominees will be similar to Obama's. HERVEPA May 2016 #139
I would rather have a Marshall artislife May 2016 #145
How does she compare to the Republican picks? Arneoker May 2016 #151
No she isn't. Look at the votes! HERVEPA May 2016 #168
Then you need to think a lot more clearly! Arneoker May 2016 #149
How long did the Supreme Court have a 5 - 4 margin Red? bkkyosemite May 2016 #3
Much too long. shraby May 2016 #5
Long enough to allow Citizen's United and to gut the Voting Rights Act. Dr Hobbitstein May 2016 #53
Citizen's United is helping Hillary chwaliszewski May 2016 #154
Do you know the history of Citizen's United? Dr Hobbitstein May 2016 #165
They. Don't Care. It's a position of privilege, arrogance selfishness, narcissism and stupidity PeaceNikki May 2016 #4
Actually, it's because we're NOT privileged that we cant stand another Fawke Em May 2016 #51
You're running with extremists who'd rather burn Hortensis May 2016 #95
Nonsense kaleckim May 2016 #109
We've had a year of rhetoric. It's time for berners to decide -- Hortensis May 2016 #113
"left-wing extremists" kaleckim May 2016 #117
Don't deflect. The left wing has been mostly dormant Hortensis May 2016 #119
You are stuck in 1965 kaleckim May 2016 #120
I was in 1965, but never stuck. I recognize the Hortensis May 2016 #121
Not sure what you are talking about kaleckim May 2016 #122
Are you? Well, then, who are America's Far Left/Radical Left Hortensis May 2016 #125
Very scholarly of you, LOL! Thanks kaleckim May 2016 #138
"Sanders supporters"? No. I'm talking specifically Hortensis May 2016 #148
I'm about done with this kaleckim May 2016 #172
She would elect centrists, at best artislife May 2016 #101
Her nominees would be Wall Street-friendly. senz May 2016 #140
Drivel kaleckim May 2016 #106
Another two words seekthetruth May 2016 #6
You really think letting a republican fill the slot(s) will improve any of those problems? shraby May 2016 #8
Clinton's running a CU campaign and Obama let the Gulf spill perps off the hook MisterP May 2016 #44
Nothing Hillary is doing right now is in support of CU. Dr Hobbitstein May 2016 #55
That's true...nt artislife May 2016 #102
Sigh. seekthetruth May 2016 #105
I don't give into the Supreme Court pressure... TheProgressive May 2016 #7
Thank you. kayakjohnny May 2016 #11
+1 vintx May 2016 #13
Of course not. leftofcool May 2016 #28
Don't worry. No chance the Republicans will let her pick anyone. n/t Dawgs May 2016 #45
Who appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg & Stephen Breyer??? TheDormouse May 2016 #111
Please reread my post.... TheProgressive May 2016 #124
I've reread it 3x--My response is still the same TheDormouse May 2016 #146
I have 3 words. Definition of insanity: Live and Learn May 2016 #9
They don't care. zappaman May 2016 #10
Most of those who make the claim Andy823 May 2016 #96
Bullshit AirmensMom May 2016 #131
What utter Carolina May 2016 #141
Horse Hockey! chwaliszewski May 2016 #157
I'm in a blue state so I might not have to vote for HRC, depending on the polls in late October. Arugula Latte May 2016 #12
I constantly thank the goddess I never changed my home of record from Texas. nt VulgarPoet May 2016 #63
For those worried about a republicon in the White House and the Supreme Court, Kip Humphrey May 2016 #14
I have, but it looks like Hillary will be on the November ballot unfortunately. shraby May 2016 #15
work for what you want Kip Humphrey May 2016 #18
Ignore them. Don't indulge their vanities. There aren't enough of them to make a difference. NurseJackie May 2016 #16
+1 Arkansas Granny May 2016 #25
+1 leftofcool May 2016 #31
True, can I ask if you do FB? If so please go to Van Jones and get his "Trumpzilla" video Jackie Wilson Said May 2016 #32
+1000 n/t Kang Colby May 2016 #36
+ another 100 COLGATE4 May 2016 #58
Those who think Hillary would choose a righty supreme court realmirage May 2016 #80
If the anti-Hillary folks really gave it some thought, oasis May 2016 #144
This message was self-deleted by its author realmirage May 2016 #166
This. Starry Messenger May 2016 #150
That is a consideration, although mitigated by the fact that Vattel May 2016 #17
correct -- I do not trust Hill yourpaljoey May 2016 #54
Yep. I find those stupid Yale Law graduates COLGATE4 May 2016 #60
lol, you do realize that Clarence Thomas graduated from Yale Law School. Vattel May 2016 #67
No. It's usually about capabiities - or affirmative action. COLGATE4 May 2016 #77
Huh? That sounds racist and sexist. I hope I misunderstood. Vattel May 2016 #93
You misunderstand quite a bit. COLGATE4 May 2016 #98
Good, I am glad you weren't being sexist and racist Vattel May 2016 #99
Am I supposed to appreciate that? COLGATE4 May 2016 #108
I also have two words NV Whino May 2016 #19
Your intentions are noble. DemocratSinceBirth May 2016 #20
Thanks for a really compelling argument none of us have ever heard before BernieforPres2016 May 2016 #21
I'll add two more that most never think about: net neutrality rurallib May 2016 #22
Amen. VulgarPoet May 2016 #65
Wait...there's a "Supreme" Court? demwing May 2016 #23
For those who say they can't vote for Bernie, I have 2 words. Supreme Court. pdsimdars May 2016 #24
We can only vote for Bernie if he wins the nomination. I don't see that happening. Arkansas Granny May 2016 #26
12 million voters disagree leftofcool May 2016 #34
And none of them kaleckim May 2016 #110
How is voting for in a deep red state Democrats can't win or a deep blue state Democrats can't lose Attorney in Texas May 2016 #27
It matters quite a bit. UncleTomsEvilBrother May 2016 #161
Everybody agrees that it is key to elect more Democrats to Congress. The question is why should Attorney in Texas May 2016 #170
I don't want to take any chances, that's why I voted for Bernie Sanders! B Calm May 2016 #29
They have no idea about this tonyt53 May 2016 #30
Bernie Sanders oldandhappy May 2016 #33
By law Obama is supposed to have a pick now. peace13 May 2016 #35
they will not leave them selves down one conservative man for too long. bettyellen May 2016 #41
For those who vote for Hillary, I have 2 words. Supreme Court. Joob May 2016 #37
It is ridiculous to believe that her Supreme Court appointments will be any different than StevieM May 2016 #128
Control of the SCOTUS is one of my key issues Gothmog May 2016 #38
Yes kaleckim May 2016 #112
More blackmail. How nice. How tiresome. bvf May 2016 #39
It's not blackmail. It's about excepting who the people chose between the two contenders. (eom) StevieM May 2016 #127
You meant "accepting," I assume. bvf May 2016 #132
I'm not sure who said that but I haven't heard any Clinton supporters say it. It seems kind of silly StevieM May 2016 #133
The only thing Clinton has made clear bvf May 2016 #169
So she would nominate someone more liberal than Sanders? TheCowsCameHome May 2016 #40
No, but she will nominate someone liberal enough COLGATE4 May 2016 #61
The senate will stonewall her, worse than they did Obama. TheCowsCameHome May 2016 #64
Are you predicting Republicans will hold the Senate? LonePirate May 2016 #68
Have they lost it yet? TheCowsCameHome May 2016 #70
So you are predicting Repubs will hold the Senate. LonePirate May 2016 #76
Call me back when the votes all the are counted. TheCowsCameHome May 2016 #85
No but they are absolutely salivating at the prospect COLGATE4 May 2016 #78
the Busters aren't going to lose the election, she is MisterP May 2016 #42
A RW democrat isn't going to appoint a progressive liberal Justice. HooptieWagon May 2016 #43
Hillary Clinton is very liberal. apnu May 2016 #69
Liberals don't associate with Kissinger, Kagan, and the Kochs. HooptieWagon May 2016 #74
Not spinning anything. apnu May 2016 #79
Okay, her deeds. HooptieWagon May 2016 #82
Now you've made a good argument. apnu May 2016 #84
Her social issue positions appear 'flexible'. HooptieWagon May 2016 #87
OK, I see where you're at. apnu May 2016 #116
Her core 'value' is presidential ambition. HooptieWagon May 2016 #118
HooptieWagon, you've hit the bullseye! chwaliszewski May 2016 #159
There is no saftey in the cosmos. Alan Watts Tierra_y_Libertad May 2016 #46
You really think she would Duckhunter935 May 2016 #47
It is not even worth arguing with the Bernie or Bust crowd here. hrmjustin May 2016 #48
Or kaleckim May 2016 #115
I have two words for you: Merrick Garland Fawke Em May 2016 #49
You have no understanding of the situation if you think Obama expected Garland to win confirmation. LonePirate May 2016 #73
Exactly, Fawke Em Carolina May 2016 #142
I have two words as well Rebkeh May 2016 #50
I have two words: Scare Tactics Ned_Devine May 2016 #52
My 2 words xloadiex May 2016 #56
My two words Faux pas May 2016 #57
6-3 conservative majority--How's *that* sound? TheDormouse May 2016 #59
she would nominate corporatist and corrupt judges like Scolia larkrake May 2016 #62
but if we vote for someone who genuinely embraces Democratic Party values, mooseprime May 2016 #66
NOPE! SCOTUS argument fails; HRC would easily nominate a centrist, at best amborin May 2016 #71
I'll take another Kennedy over a Scalia or Thomas ANY DAY!!!! TheDormouse May 2016 #83
I think you are mistaken ChairmanAgnostic May 2016 #88
I've got two words too. Jester Messiah May 2016 #72
HRC will nominate whomever her corporate ownership green lights.... Yurovsky May 2016 #75
Fresh take. frylock May 2016 #81
More than half of the Bernie or Bust crowd aren't democrats qdouble May 2016 #86
Yeah, who needs the Independent vote? We only make up 40% of the vote. liberal_at_heart May 2016 #103
A huge chunk of independents either vote right or left the majority of the time... qdouble May 2016 #107
Here's a couple of equally compelling words: Syria war. n/t lumberjack_jeff May 2016 #89
I have 5 words. Will Hillary appoint a conservative? Someone acceptable to Republicans imagine2015 May 2016 #90
If I trusted Hillary any farther than I could spit a hippopotamus... Lizzie Poppet May 2016 #91
Like we don't hear that every 4 years. NorthCarolina May 2016 #92
Two more to describe the frontrunner timmymoff May 2016 #94
I live in Kansas where Democrats don't win. Sky Masterson May 2016 #97
No, I don't want the GOP to fill the openings, which is why I don't want a weak candidate. Betty Karlson May 2016 #104
The time to make a stand isn't DURING the election TheDormouse May 2016 #114
There's only one criteria for a SCOTUS justice beedle May 2016 #123
Kinda sucks backing a candidate that may lose to tRump. wundermaus May 2016 #129
Vote for Bernie. kgnu_fan May 2016 #134
Running HRC insures the Supreme Court goes Republican EndElectoral May 2016 #135
I have 2 words. NO Fracking! jillan May 2016 #143
I have five words Arneoker May 2016 #152
3 words, Not With Her TrueDemVA May 2016 #153
We may have... Mike Nelson May 2016 #155
Hmmm Depaysement May 2016 #156
Ooh. Is this another triangulation plea? That is just a question. nt silvershadow May 2016 #158
Why not just nominate Bernie? chwaliszewski May 2016 #160
Ooooooooo...another vote for her or else thread. coyote May 2016 #162
Like Hillary wouldn't appoint a Third Way conservative corporate judge. djean111 May 2016 #163
see reply #146 TheDormouse May 2016 #171
Trump might consider CRUZ! WhiteTara May 2016 #164
Unless she has to choose in her last year in office... kentuck May 2016 #167
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»For those who say they ca...»Reply #133