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(25,369 posts)
18. When They Say Bernie Won't Be Able To Get Anything Passed In Congress....
Tue Nov 24, 2015, 01:47 PM
Nov 2015

How in the hell do they think that Hillary will ever get anything passed in Congress. Hillary's treatment by Congress - if we don't have a 'political revolution' that Bernie is calling for - will even be more negative and grid locking than President Obama's.

Without talking candidates - I ask people that I know are Hillary supporters - if they would like to break up the banks? if they would like to send their kids to college for free? if they would like to not have to worry about being bankrupted by an illness? if they would like our infrastructure to be repaired? if they would like to wean ourselves away from fossil fuels? if they would like to stop giving tax breaks to corporations that are sending our jobs overseas? if they would like to have a living minimum wage of $15.00 per hour? if they would like to have equal pay for women workers? if they would like to bring back manufacturing jobs to the U.S.? if they would like to eliminate loopholes that let corporations pay no U.S. federal income tax?

Almost to the person - they are for all these things. I get them saying 'yes'.

Then I talk political revolution - the need to put the right people in Congress that will push for these. The need for the People to take back the House and Senate and demand these things from Congress.

That's when I start talking up Bernie and the need for a groundswell of support for a person that tells it like it is and does have a plan.

When one takes some of Bernie's points separately - it is easy for them to take shots at them. But when one looks at Bernie's points in totality - that are intertwining - one can see how they can be achieved.

Put people to work on infrastructure and give them jobs and a decent income - where they feel secure again - they start spending money. Money spent to buy things puts other people to work and gets the economy churning again. People buy things and pay sales tax. More things bought - the more sales tax generated - all of a sudden there's money available to get things accomplished. People will feel comfortable that they can afford a house - -property taxes kick in. Have a tax on speculative stock purchasing - lots of money becomes available for things like free college. Eliminate loopholes so corporations that pay no tax - begin to pay their fair share - more money available.

You see where I'm going on this. If Bernie's points are put into effect - we really move to a recovery and we re-establish a strong middle class that supports the economy.

I've always wondered what the corporations are thinking by dumping on the middle class. At some point there will be a breaking point where people won't be able to buy the very things that the corporations are selling. And we spiral down even further.

I see that Bernie has a plan. A well put together plan to break this spiral and he provides us the best chance at doing this.

I know a lot of Hillary supporters and the bulk of their support come in the form of two major things: 1. they want to have a woman president and 2. they believe that it is her time - that she is next in line for the job - because she was passed by Obama the last time. They feel she is owed the presidency.

I really don't see Hillary supporters talking the issues like the Bernie supporters do. To me that is just asking for more of the same from Congress and keeping the status quo. Is it any wonder why Wall St., the banksters, the corporations, the MSM is pushing for Hillary. They all like the status quo. Is it any wonder why all those same groups blackout or talk negatively about Bernie. They are terribly afraid of what he would do to their warm, cozy, comfortable world.

Sorry for the rant - but that's how I'm feeling this a.m.

This message board isn't a battle to be won. Orsino Nov 2015 #1
You're right HerbChestnut Nov 2015 #3
Herb, actually Hillary's mostly focusing on the GOP candidates. Hortensis Nov 2015 #20
She's made some swipes against Bernie lately HerbChestnut Nov 2015 #22
Whatever. I personally think we should all be shuddering Hortensis Nov 2015 #25
I agree to a point. HerbChestnut Nov 2015 #26
IMO the candidate who best represents us MUST be Hortensis Nov 2015 #29
I think we can kill two birds with one stone. HerbChestnut Nov 2015 #38
Hope so. Cruz is picking up the evangelicals Carson Hortensis Nov 2015 #40
The argument here is about who the candidate is that can bring voters to the polls and beat JDPriestly Nov 2015 #55
Come on, that works both ways.... msrizzo Nov 2015 #60
Then why is she moving rightward so early? JDPriestly Nov 2015 #51
Message auto-removed Name removed Nov 2015 #91
It's only on DU that this is a 'thing.' MADem Nov 2015 #54
:) I wasn't here for Kucinich, but, I can see it. Sure. Hortensis Nov 2015 #92
This... Agschmid Nov 2015 #17
*Some* of it's to be fought here. freedom fighter jh Nov 2015 #44
You forgot "Hope Bernie runs out of money and has to drop out before the convention." n/t dogknob Nov 2015 #2
He won't run out of money--he's embraced the Super Pac concept. MADem Nov 2015 #57
All true. But the one thing they won't do is talk about issues. And the main they have failed to do sabrina 1 Nov 2015 #4
The thing with polls is it very easy to see if a claim about them is true Godhumor Nov 2015 #10
The other thing with polls is there are so many of them. Like this one eg, which shows sabrina 1 Nov 2015 #21
She also pooh-poohed the idea of attending a MoveOn.org debate. Major Hogwash Nov 2015 #63
+1 Historic NY Nov 2015 #27
Kick UglyGreed Nov 2015 #5
HUGE K & R !!! - THANK YOU !!! WillyT Nov 2015 #6
And the results are----- LiberalArkie Nov 2015 #7
Yep, saw it coming. HerbChestnut Nov 2015 #9
Yea, but we have a few more months for people to make fools of LiberalArkie Nov 2015 #15
OMG! SoapBox Nov 2015 #34
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......... Plucketeer Nov 2015 #69
And the poster has not joined any of the sects here. LiberalArkie Nov 2015 #8
TBH here's the difference between supporters on DU FrostyAusty Nov 2015 #11
Because we don't need to make up shit upaloopa Nov 2015 #14
Keep drinking the Clinton Kool-aid FrostyAusty Nov 2015 #16
Except to call Sanders a rapist. Scootaloo Nov 2015 #81
++ good Vincardog Nov 2015 #19
True and well said. senz Nov 2015 #41
Perfectly said. Excatly the way i would put it. litlbilly Nov 2015 #52
Strategy? We don't need no stinking strategy upaloopa Nov 2015 #12
See point #3 HerbChestnut Nov 2015 #13
So you think your candidate is inevitable then? Well great keep on thinking that way sabrina 1 Nov 2015 #23
mmm yes sweet complacency retrowire Nov 2015 #31
Bernie supporters are counting on that for the win. JimDandy Nov 2015 #39
. bravenak Nov 2015 #32
Confidence of winners. No need to go negative when your candidate is on her way to the White House. Laser102 Nov 2015 #33
When They Say Bernie Won't Be Able To Get Anything Passed In Congress.... global1 Nov 2015 #18
/\_/\_This right here_/\_/\ Scuba Nov 2015 #24
Great post. Thank you /nt think Nov 2015 #30
Summed it up well. bvar22 Nov 2015 #47
I disagree - Hillary would be able to get things passed in Congress tularetom Nov 2015 #62
Ya know, I think if Clinton proposed those, the Republicans would still have to oppose them jeff47 Nov 2015 #67
Great post! Major Hogwash Nov 2015 #64
If a Republican votes for any Clinton-backed bill, they will lose their next primary. jeff47 Nov 2015 #66
Right out of Karl Rove's playbook. dpatbrown Nov 2015 #28
Makes One Wonder If Rove Is On Retainer cantbeserious Nov 2015 #80
this is a natural result of the rightwing stench she has always had stupidicus Nov 2015 #35
Not sure if someone addressed this ejbr Nov 2015 #36
FDR, Truman and LBJ all fought for single-payer. jeff47 Nov 2015 #68
+1 n/t ejbr Nov 2015 #70
It has been trending Reagan Fairgo Nov 2015 #37
LOL bvar22 Nov 2015 #48
My reaction BootinUp Nov 2015 #42
LOL. Everyone knows about 'Bernie supporters'. JaneyVee Nov 2015 #43
Who needs strategy when you are winning? McCamy Taylor Nov 2015 #45
Winning without a clear idea of what one hopes to accomplish guillaumeb Nov 2015 #61
How is she winning? Major Hogwash Nov 2015 #65
Like this? cui bono Nov 2015 #78
This message was self-deleted by its author Corruption Inc Nov 2015 #46
Uugh smiley Nov 2015 #53
It's clearly reality based when talking about the DU ConservativeDemocrat Nov 2015 #76
Aaaawe...Thatcher's getting under their skin. Truth hurts. in_cog_ni_to Nov 2015 #83
The guy talking about "cognitive dissonance" is calling others "condescending". JoePhilly Nov 2015 #49
K&R! marym625 Nov 2015 #50
In all fairness, merrily Nov 2015 #56
There are Hillary supporters on this forum? Trajan Nov 2015 #58
Thanks for the explanation. Betty Karlson Nov 2015 #59
clearly there is a huge rift within the party: time to stop pretending noiretextatique Nov 2015 #71
I wonder why I never heard of this "strategy". George II Nov 2015 #72
Really, George? Because you use #s 1, 4 and 5 frequently. beam me up scottie Nov 2015 #74
Good Vent Paka Nov 2015 #73
Thank you for taking the time and having the patience to write this thread Samantha Nov 2015 #75
Must we have an us versus them between ourselves? Cary Nov 2015 #77
Huge K & R !!! Thespian2 Nov 2015 #79
After the kamikaze campaign Clinton ran in 2007/08, pay her fans no never mind. AtomicKitten Nov 2015 #82
Kicked and recommended a whole bunch! Enthusiast Nov 2015 #84
They Lie And Even Worse Censor billhicks76 Nov 2015 #85
Try to get your facts straight. DanTex Nov 2015 #86
Yes, the strategy is very clear Tarc Nov 2015 #87
So? Are they supposed to roll over? treestar Nov 2015 #88
But ponies and unicorns! Or something.... blackspade Nov 2015 #89
Nonsense. And the attacks on Hillary from the Bernie side are CONSTANT and MUCH MORE. Enough. RBInMaine Nov 2015 #90
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»Hillary Supporters' strat...»Reply #18