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ramen's Journal
ramen's Journal
May 14, 2020

ACLU calls on House to revive measure blocking warrantless web browsing surveillance

Source: The Hill

"The legislation hands the government power for warrantless collection of Americand' web browsing and internet searches, as well as other private information, without having to demonstratw that those Americans have done anything wrong, or even were in contact with anyone suspected of wrongdoing." -Wyden

Read more: https://thehill.com/policy/technology/497829-aclu-calls-on-house-to-revive-amendment-blocking-warrantless-web-browsing

This is a mess. Both of my senators, who are both Democrats and with whose votes I typically agree, voted to allow the government to aift through anybody's internet history for no reason and with no limits. Why on earth would any Democrat do that?
November 15, 2019

Swedish PM hits back at China over literature prize threat

Source: The Local SE

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has promised to stand firm in the face of threats from China over a prize for the imprisoned dissident writer Gui Minhai. "The Culture Minister will hand out the prize. She has been asked to do so and said 'yes', so of course we are going to follow through on that," he said in an interview with public broadcaster SVT.

"We have no intention of yielding to these sorts of threats. Ever. We have freedom of expression in Sweden and that is what applies here. Full stop."

China on Thursday threatened to impose "counter-measures" on Sweden if the Culture Minister Amanda Lind goes ahead on Friday evening and hands out the Tucholsky Prize to the dissident Chinese writer Gui Minhai, who is currently imprisoned in China.

"We firmly oppose representatives of the Swedish government attending such an event, and if they decide to stick to what they are doing, we will have no choice but to take counter-measures," Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou warned in an interview with Swedish Radio.

Read more: https://www.thelocal.se/20191115/china-threatens-sweden-over-prize-to-dissident-author

That is the way to deal with this international authoritarian garbage.
November 5, 2019

Not yet..

One can only hope. I do think they will drop 45 like a hot bag of dogshit if (and only if) the court of public opinion swings hard enough. Not there yet, but we've only just begun..

October 14, 2019

Trump thought Turkey was bluffing and would never actually invade Syria, report says

Source: Business Insider

Trump "had been calling Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's bluff" for more than two years, the news site said, citing six sources with knowledge of the matter.

According to Axios, in previous conversations, Trump would tell Erdogan that the Turkish leader would have to "own whatever mess ensued" in the region and warned of the US presence there, and Erdogan would back down on his threats.

Read more: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-syria-mistake-thought-turkey-bluffed-invasion-axios-2019-10

October 4, 2019

New guy / same as the old guy

I've been reading DU since early in 2002 but haven't gotten involved in posting and commenting and such. I'm hoping to change that now.

I'm somewhat on the left of the Democratic party. I live for music and for time in the woods. I am staunchly pro-dog.

Looking forward to joining the conversation here.

Profile Information

Member since: Tue Oct 1, 2019, 12:28 AM
Number of posts: 800
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